Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Gonzales Family

Another gorgeous family! I was lucky enough to have already photographed the girls, so it was a pleasure to get to shoot the whole family together. Thanks Gonzales family!

Stewart Family

I am privileged to be friends with some of the most beautiful families. My friend Keri and her family are moving to North Carolina?? South Carolina?? Anyway, they wanted a family picture with the southern Utah red rocks in the background. We took these at the Sand Hollow Golf Course, which was SO amazing! Her kids were so patient and cooperative and it paid off. I think I can safely say that I have never seen a baby with eyes as big and blue as little Emily's. Wow!

Monday, July 20, 2009

In Celebration of My New Camera

In celebration of my new camera purchase, (a few months ago) I made my kids dress up and took them downtown to a favorite spot of mine so I could practice on them.

My Own Awesome Family

These are just a handful of some of my pictures from family occasions of all kinds. Unfortunately, they were all taken with my old point and shoot, but I still love them. Get used to seeing the kids in these ones. They are my inspiration and they will be featured on this blog often. Also, I hope you don't get sick of shots of kids from the back. I don't know why I love them so much, but I just do. I think it shows a sweetness of childhood that head-on shots don't always capture.

McDougal Family

This family was gathering to celebrate a baptism of my friend's little girl, Ashlee. Great group! I'm so thankful to my husband who came and helped me position people and keep everyone's attention. A big group was a little bit of a challenge for me, but I loved it! Then I got to take some individual family shots and a couple of the birthday girl.

Shemree's Family

This one is my friend Shemree's family. The shoot was in honor of the special occasion of their family being sealed in the temple. So neat. Thanks guys for letting me take part in documenting that. And yes, those cute kids are the same from the previous post.

Peyton, Gage, McKaya & Brinlee

These kids are too cute to even express! It was SO fun to photograph them! This shoot was to get some fun pictures for their grandpa for Father's Day. I could have snapped away all day at these guys. Here are a few of my favorites.