Monday, August 23, 2010


I love doing shoot for my friends and their families. Especially when it as laid back as this shoot was. We just did it at their house and everyone was comfortable. Sometimes familiar locations make the best settings. It is so fun to capture little moments and share them with someone you care about. These are of my good friend and her kids. You can't tell but she was expecting a baby boy at the time. Can't wait till I get back to Utah and can get some shots of him!

B's Wedding

What a wonderful night this was! I was thrilled to be able to be there for my best friend on her special day. I only wish I'd had more time with the happy couple to get some more shots, but it just wasn't in the schedule. Oh well. Here are a few of my favorites from the evening. Love you B!

Ballman Family

A fun shoot with two energetic little boys! This mom's hands (and heart) must be full. Cuties!

Hafen Family

Another super cute family. I love these kids! Mom had the great idea to bring big lollipops for the end of the photo session when nerves were running high and the kids were sick of posing and smiling. Genius! What a cute prop!

Conley Family Christmas Photos

My good friends and neighbors needed some photos for their Christmas cards. We chose the old Brigham Young home as the backdrop because it was so festive. What a fun family! Love these guys!