Monday, January 11, 2010

My Family 2009

I am usually the one behind the camera, but of course that means I am never in the pictures. So, when it was Christmas card time, a friend of mine helped me out and got a few family photos. You'll have to visit my family blog to see the family pictures though. Then, because the kids looked so darn cute that it just couldn't be wasted, I took them out for their own photo shoot. It's SO much more fun to take pictures than be in them!And my personal favorite, only because it is, to me, pure happiness.

1 comment:

  1. thank you so much for showing me these! they are soooo darn cute! the cute kids make them even cuter but the outfits are perfect. Glad you like them. We are going to have some fun skirts at the spring what women want expo. hope to see you there.
